Absolutely no advertising in the chat will be tolerated. Linking to other forums is considered advertising.
No disrespecting any members or staff at all.
Please do not spam the chat (posting 5+ consecutive messages)
No speak of politics or religion, please. These topics, while often can be held as civilized, are extremely sensitive, and we do not wish to offend here.
Maturity is a big thing here. We like to have fun and goof around every now and then, but all talk related to a specific fandom or shippings belongs in the fandom board. If you'd like to talk about your favorite shows, movies, books, go ahead! We encourage that. However, we discourage the whole chat becoming about one thing and people feeling left out because they don't know it.
Make sure all members are included in the conversation unless they state they wish not to be. Do NOT ignore other members. Ignoring falls under being disrespectful.